"Ripcord" Official Video from the album "Amplifire" out now!
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HERE or order autographed CD's and Vinyl HERE!

"1974" Official Video from the album "Amplifire" out now!
You can stream or download this song now on all your favorite digital platforms
HERE or order autographed CD's and Vinyl HERE!

"The Same Gutter" Official Video from the album "Amplifire" out now!
You can stream or download this song now on all your favorite digital platforms
HERE or order autographed CD's and Vinyl HERE!

Hall Aflame is the result of a very happy accident.

After leaving Metal Church in the late 80’s to pursue studio production and songwriting in my own studio, I was back in my home town of Aberdeen Washington. I began writing some songs with an old high school friend who was the singer in some of the bands I was in back in those days, he would later become known as Ron Lowd. We were working in my friend Brian Smith’s 16 track studio, and where his band would rehearse, which was the old Breakwater Seafood building down near the mouth of the Wishkah River where it runs into Grays Harbor.

Ron and I actually wrote some great songs and demo’d them, and a few weeks later we went to the Pourhouse Tavern just a few blocks from Breakwater for a beer and a break. As fate would have it, Brian Smith was there and our friend Tom Webber, the drummer for my band Shrapnel (which was the first incarnation of Metal Church when we were a cover band). We all ended up sitting at the same table having some beers and laughing when we all realized, “Hey, none of us are in bands anymore, lets go to Brian’s and make some noise and jam a bit.” It went so well that we decided to become a real band, just straight up Rock and Roll, not Metal, not Grunge- just the music we liked. Very stripped down basic Hard Rock.

We began writing songs and making demos and even played a few impromptu shows at the Pourhouse Tavern and were just having fun. I sent the demos out to a few industry people that I had met through Metal Church and we ended up getting a deal with IRS Records. We began work on the first album “Guaranteed Forever”, and with that we attracted some real management and eventually found ourselves replacing the Black Crowes on the ZZ Top Recycler Tour. We did the remaining shows with ZZ Top and then hooked up with Blue Oyster Cult and played our way home from Texas through California and up the West Coast.

After returning home we began writing new material for a follow up album and playing in the Northwest as much as possible. We did well, but the label lost interest as the Grunge movement began to take over and we did not fit that mold. We kept plugging away and kept writing and gigging anywhere and everywhere, but after a while things began to fall apart and our drummer Tom left the band. We brought in Bill Raymond as Tom’s replacement and kept trudging along.

Eventually we had to part ways with Ron Lowd. Enter our new singer Scott Nutter, who we found from an ad he had placed in The Rocket. Our sound had changed a bit but we wrote some great songs. We played as much as possible but we couldn’t really get any interest from the industry. We were not at all what was considered “cool” at that time, but we were okay with that. The frustration of having a slow decline wore on the band, and we eventually packed it in and moved on to other things.

The great thing is we had recorded a ton of material back in those days, and a good chunk of that is on our new album “Amplifire”. We couldn’t be happier that after 30 years we FINALLY are releasing the second album. We also have a back log of material that we are currently sorting through, there are so many songs that we feel need to be recorded and released. Be ready for a lot more Hall Aflame music!! It’s coming!

Hall Aflame released their debut album “Guaranteed Forever” on I.R.S. Records in 1991 right before the grunge explosion, and because of that, “It was the best album no one heard”, according to KDUX Program Director Pat Anderson. “It’s a great rock record from beginning to end. I’m excited for what they have in store”.

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Just be cool, man.
Hi Stan.